1.Go to http://www.edgerater.com/products/edgeraterpro

2. Click on ‘Download Free Trial Now’

3. Save the setup.exe file

4. Run setup.exe, the ‘Open File – Security Warning’ dialog will appear, press ‘Run’

5. The ‘Application Install – Security Warning’ dialog will appear, press ‘Install’

6. The program will start to install

7. Read and Accept the End User License Agreement (If you Accept)

8. Press ‘Try EdgeRater PRO’

6. Enter email address and click Next

7. An notification will be displayed while the program waits for you to verify your email

7. Wait for email to arrive in inbox and then click on the link in the email

8. This will open a web browser showing the status of your validation.

9. Once you have seen the ‘Trial Validated’ message, click on ‘Next’ in the application

10. The program should then start to run in trial mode with 30 days remaining:

11. Download the latest template set (Click Download and Install)

12. When the download is complete, press OK and then ‘Cancel’ on the Template Set Downloader dialog box

12: Verify you have the latest template set by looking for the green background under My Version:

13. Now Select a Symbol List from the Symbol Lists drop down control. For example choose the CBOE Weeklys.xlsx list

14. Once selected, press the End-Of-Day update button

15. Wait for the data to be downloaded for this list (less than 1 minute), then verify the ‘To’ Date column has the correct date

16. Scroll Down the Template Library category list to locate the ‘Pro Tools’ Category

17. Select the ‘Pro Tools’ Category

18. Select the template ‘The Good, The Bad and the Ugly’ (It may already be selected when you clicked on the PRO Tools category

19. Press the ‘RUN’ button to run the template and produce your first report

20. Congratulations!, You have now installed the program, downloaded data and produced your first report.